How we do it

How do we give shape to your ideas? Our technique

A unique and innovative printing technology using nano-inks, allows us to print “unprintable” materials. Nano-inks grip and penetrate any kind of material by preserving their structural characteristics.

Nano-ink is similar to nano fluid but when it comes to printing, it grips firmly to any kind of material. The drying process is immediate and its structural fixing must be forced with a programmed temperature polymerization. The grip is guaranteed by the penetration ability of these inks into any material thanks to the very small dimensions of their components.

Nano-inks do not have covering capacity as they are not compatible with layered coverage. Nevertheless, this is a great advantage especially for those fine materials where printing must not hide their peculiar features.

Nano-inks are dynamic inks. Our company is able to develop new special colours based on each customer needs. The list already includes transparent, white, silver, gold, and many neon colours such as yellow, green, orange, red and blue.

Nano-ink technology is the only one able to resist to the material strain when undergoing a thermoforming process. This allows avoiding the ink cracking effect.